We do a lot of things on out boats but some of the most enjoyable time you can spend on your boat is at night. The peace and tranquility of staying out under the stars, the water gently rocking you into a mode of relaxation while looking up at the moon and the stars just cannot be matched by any other experience. If you have done this before, then you know what I mean. If you have never done this, you are missing out. It’s time you started sleeping on the hook. Night time on the water can be very relaxing. Of course, if you plan on doing this, just like everything else, it is a good idea to be prepared so you can make the best of your peaceful time on the water. There are boats of all sizes and types with all of them being equipped somewhat differently, but for the purposes of this article, I will assume that your boat has these basic features: 1. Engine and Electrical System – Clearly a powerboat h...