Twas The Night Before Christmas - Sailor's Version

Twas the night before Christmas, I swung on the hook. Passed out on the settee, asleep with my book. When up on the deck I heard footsteps and stuff: I’ve been boarded! I thought, and I tried to be tough. Then down the companionway hatch came a dude. He was dressed like a nut and I thought “I am screwed”! But he laughed and he hummed and he surveyed my junk. So I figured he must be the resident drunk. His eyes were lit up like a junkie on speed. But he gave me a whole bunch of stuff that I need. Like rum and cigars, new charts and a dinghy, And some kind of fancy electrical thingy. I thought it was stolen but I wasn’t telling. I hoped he was giving and wasn’t just selling. I poured him a grog which he downed with a wink. Then I poured one for me (I sure needed a drink). Then he staggered above to the dark tropic night. As I peaked I beheld an incredible sight. Eight tiny d...